"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. 
George Washington
Reflection: This quote means that you should not be around the wrong crowd. If you are around bad people, you make the wrong choices. In order to be successful, you have to make the right choices. An example of this quote is when someone studies in a group. This person is hanging out with the right people. Their reputation will be good, so they will succeed. Another example of this quote is when someone cheats on tests. This person will have a bad reputation. They will be known for cheating and will not succeed in life. If you are around wise people, you will have a good reputation. Choose the right.George Washington's quote in my opinion is true because if your going to have negative people around you might as well just not have any company at all. By being around positive people you not only have a positive atmosphere but its also shows the respect you have toward yourself. By hanging out with negative people your reputation becomes crippled and people start judging you not only by you but by who you hang out with. I remember one other quote we were doing that said, the people that you with most of the time have the hugest impact on the way you will act.